Getting-To-Know Activities

Shipping on the Vranov Dam has a rich history. "Masha," the first motorboat was launched on July 11, 1934. Today, the water of the dam are cruised by the ship “Valentýna”. You can choose a regular four-stop line or a sightseeing cruise that runs every day, up to three times a day. Shippers also offer special cruises enriched by tasting of the quality Znojmo wines and cheeses, or live music cruises.

Vranov nad Dyjí State Chateau
The State Chateau dominates the village of Vranov nad Dyjí. It used to belong, the same as the Bítov Castle and the Znojmo Castle, to the system of defence castles along the border with Austria. The first mention of the original castle dates back to 1100, when the Chateau was owned by Princes of Znojmo. The dominance of the Chateau is the so-called Ancestral Hall and the Chapel. The castle is surrounded by beautiful countryside.

Bítov Castle
Bítov Castle is located about 2 km from the village of Bítov. The first written mention is from 1061-1067. The Castle lies on the promontory surrounded by the river Želetavka, near its confluence with the Dyje, in the canyon called “Moravian Switzerland”. The last owner (until 1945) was the industrial magnate, Baron George Haas of Haasenfels. Under his son George Jr., the Castle was changed into the largest private zoo on the Continent of that time.

Excursion to the Hydro Power Plant Vranov nad Dyjí
It is the largest water reservoir on Dyje. A 292-meter-long and 60-meter-long dam was built according to the Swiss project between 1930 and 1933. On the right bank, a three-turbine Power Plant is still in operation. At the time, it was the largest reservoir in Czechoslovakia with a lake length of more than 30km, reaching the village of Podhradí nad Dyjí. Nowadays the Vranov Dam is a renowned recreation area. The reservoir, traditionally called the "Moravian Adriatic", is one of the warmest reservoirs in the country.

Znojmo Underground
The system of interlocking corridors beneath the entire medieval town has a truly European dimension, with a total length of 30 km. The corridors, running several floors above, were sculpted in the rock from the 13th to the 17th centuries and were well supplied with water from the so-called Jesuit water main. They served as food stores, but also as shelters of the inhabitants at times of danger to the city and formerly connected with the castle. The sightseeing tour starts at the Hen Market and is 1 km long.

Tour of the historical centre of Znojmo
It is the ancient centre of Podyjí, situated on the border of Moravia and Austria, on a steep promontory over the river Dyje in places where the river slowly leaves the wooded valley. The royal town has preserved its historical character with many outstanding monuments and romantic nooks. It is one of the oldest Czech royal towns. It is famous for its wine-making tradition, dating back to the 12th century.