Ubytování Vranovská přehrada - Camping Vranovská pláž
Vranovská přehrada a okolí je atraktivní a oblíbené místo pro nezapomenutelnou dovolenou v České republice. Letní rodinná dovolená s dětmi, aktivní dovolená v přírodě, cykloturistika, rekreace u vody, kulturní památky i výlety do přírody, to vše je na dosah v malebném koutě jižní Moravy na Znojemsku. Pokud hledáte krásné místo, kde se dá příjemně strávit dovolená v ČR, právě jste jej našli.
Camping Vranovská pláž nabízí několik typů ubytování pro rodiny s dětmi, skupiny i jednotlivce ve svém rozlehlém rekreačním areálu na hlavní pláži Vranovské přehrady. Camping Vranovská pláž získal nejvyšší ocenění návštěvníků v prestižní anketě Kemp roku 2016, ve které si sami lidé zvolili svůj nejoblíbenější camp. Ať už hledáte příjemný kemp v okolí Znojma, nebo pro svou dovolenou u vody vybíráte pobyt na prosluněné jižní Moravě v dosahu vína, můžete si být jisti, že u nás najdete to nejlepší.

Vranov Beach in Photos and Videos
Best photos and videos from the Vranov Beach and its surroundings. Sports activities, animation programmes, and children’s world. Catering and gastronomy, wine tasting. Cultural monuments and Podyjí National Park.

Online Camera & Virtual Tour
The Vranov Beach can be visited from the comfort of your home via a virtual tour. Those who like heights can look at the whole area from a bird's eye view. You can watch us online too!

Water Quality Monitoring
The quality of the water in the dam is long-termly rated as very good. The quality of the water is regularly monitored by the Regional Hygienic Station Brno, the results are available at www.khsbrno.cz and temperature at vranovska-prehrada.tmep.eu.

News in the Campsite
We really appreciate the fact that you like our place. In order to keep your favour, we constantly improve our services and campsite facilities. Every year we have some hot news for you. What will it be this year?

Summer Cinema Cafe
A popular summer cinema connected with a pleasant sit-down in our café. You are sitting on the shore of one of our most beautiful dam lakes, drinking your favourite drink and ... Here's the schedule for this season!

Weather Forecast
Do you follow the sky? Do you like the hot sun, or do you prefer temperate temperatures suitable for trips around the Vranov Beach? Either way, believe that you will always enjoy it!

Guesthouses and Restaurants GAUDEO
Gaudeo means pleasure in Latin. Do you prefer a more comfortable accommodation? Then you are at the right address! Gaudeo Guesthouses will offer you comfortable accommodation and great gastronomy in the heart of the beautiful countryside.

Cottage Camp “U Lesa”
Excellent location in a quiet environment - ideal for family holiday with children and for sport-based clients. Out of season ideal for school trips, fishermen, or for friends meetings...

Vranov Shipping
The Vranov Boat Transport Company has been carrying you on our dam for many years. Do you want to sail with our ship “Valentýna”, “Viktorie” or “Poseidon”? Do you want the ship for yourself only? The timetable, pricelist and other information can be found here.

Bar “Pařník”
Our floating bar offer our guests a wide selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, including mixed drinks, Algida ice lollies and something to eat. In the evening the summer cinema!

Bakchus activities
Corporate events in an unconventional environment focused on building a quality team, training, or seminars? Are you planning a sporting, cognitive or educational course, a trip, a school in nature? We'll provide everything from A to Z!

Our Partners
The power of success is in the team. We will do our best to make you happy. Say - almost everything ... And if there is something we cannot do, our partners will help us. Thank you very much!