Cultural Events
In addition to the rich entertainment offered by the Vranovská pláž s.r.o. in the form of summer cinemas, puppet theatre and many other activities taking place in the area, there is also the possibility to visit cultural events nearby. Surely a magnificent event is undoubtedly the Vintage Festival in Znojmo.

Vranov Summer
At the Vranov Beach, there is a regular international tournament series with traditionally called Vranov Summer. This attractive sporting event, taking place in a picturesque setting near Vranov nad Dyjí, will offer 4 sports days in 2017 of a rich accompanying programme. This creates a unique opportunity to meet amateur and registered players in one event with the participation of many thousands of viewers.
15. - 16. 7. 2017
Mixed Team Volleyball Tournament
29. - 30. 7. 2017
Men and Women Volleyball Tournament
29. 7. 2017
Big One Pole Dance Battle
29. 7. 2017
Vranov Beach Strongman (2pm – 7pm)
A rich accompanying program with lots of interesting games and competitions both in water and on land will be prepared again for all visitors to the complex.

Miss of the Beach
Part of Vranov Summer is a favourite competition Miss of the Beach. This year, it will take place on Friday, July 28, 2017. At the beach of Vranov Dam, girls will compete in the following disciplines: presentation and interview with the jury, free discipline and swimsuit promenade.
The awards include
- One-Week stay for two in the Italian Dolomites in the area of the Val di Sole Valley in the resorts of Madonna di Campiglio, Passo Tonale and Folgarida / Marilleva from spol.s r.o.
- Limousine ride worth CZK 3.000, CZK 5.000 and CZK 10.000 from VIP CAR Černý Znojmo
- The river Dyje canoeing for up to 15 members from the Stará Vodárna Centre in Znojmo
- And many other awards ...

Vranov Cultural Summer
In July, the interiors and in the outdoor area of the Vranov Chateau will host the XXXV Vranov Cultural Summer. Its co-organizers are the National Monument Institute - the Administration of the State Chateau Vranov nad Dyjí and the Town of Vranov nad Dyjí.
Over the course of about ten summer evenings, it offers you beautiful experiences in the form of both musical and theatrical performances.

VOC Znojmo Wine Festival
Day of wine, folklore and gastronomy.
The Festival will be held on May 8, 2017 in the Upper Square in Znojmo. Every year, the newly-certified VOC Znojmo wines will be presented within the Festival. Look forward to a rich cultural program, wine tasting and folk music. The festival is complemented by the tasting of gastronomic specialties of the leading Znojmo restaurants and hotels. The program is accompanied by Ivo Dvořák, Vice-President of the Sommelier Association of the Czech Republic.

Znojmo Historic Vintage Festival
Every year at the beginning of September, the festival of wine called Znojmo Historic Vintage Festival is held in Znojmo. Its venue is almost the entire town centre, or a large part of the town's monument reserve and its surroundings. The historic part of the program is dominated by a town procession. It is made up of three hundred characters in period costumes, not to mention horses and a number of attractions. The golden star is a royal couple - Jan Lucemburský and Eliška Přemyslovna.
Among the biggest attractions there are knight tournaments, historical marketplaces with craftsmen and dealers, as well as the military camp. An indispensable part of the ZV is the Znojmo Region Jubilee State Exhibition – the Garden of Moravia and the Economic Exhibition. Included is also spiritual program in the Churches of St. Michal and St. Nicholas. An integral part of the Vintage is the instructional degustation and tasting of wines.

Zámecká slavnost na zámku Ruegers
Historická slavnost s rytířským turnajem, řemeslníci, gastronomie, tanec a muzika. Zámecká slavnost se koná 4. - 5. srpna 2018 na zámku Ruegers.
Na zámku Ruegers začíná čas oslav. „Na žádost mladého hraběte posílá císař své slavné žoldnéře, kteří společně s jezdci předvedou bojové formace jeho veličenstva – Vyvrcholením oslavy bude rytířský turnaj, na který jsou zváni rytíři z Rakouska, Bavorska, České republiky a Maďarska!“