Technical Monuments

Fortress Museum near Vranov nad Dyjí
Two bunkers of the Czechoslovak fortifications from 1938, which are currently precisely equipped and armed in various periods of fortification in the 20th century. In the interior of the first fortress, you will taste the atmosphere of crisis days in September 1938, in the second fortress you will find yourself in the midst of the Cuban crisis and you will learn something about the hitherto strictly classified fortifications built in the 1970’s to defend the border against "imperialism". And that is not all. You can look through the fortress perimeter around the forts, or through the machine guns you can look into directions from where the enemy came from many years ago.

Water Mill in Slup
This is a unique technical monument. It is a former large manmade Mill with 4 to 5 millimetres of groundwater wheels, which drove 10 grinding mechanisms. The mill was the largest of its kind in Moravia and was built in the 16th century. In the 17th century, there was a renovation in the Renaissance style. In the 1970’s, a large reconstruction of the Mill was carried out and in 1983 the building was opened to the public. The residential building of the Mill is a home of an exhibition of the Technical Museum, which includes an exhibition introducing visitors the miller technology from the Stone Age up to the present days. The Water Mill is protected as a national cultural monument.

Vranov Dam
It is the largest water reservoir on Dyje. A 292-meter-long and 60-meter-long dam was built according to the Swiss project between 1930 and 1933. On the right bank, a three-turbine Power Plant is still in operation. At the time, it was the largest reservoir in Czechoslovakia with a lake length of more than 30km, reaching the village of Podhradí nad Dyjí. Nowadays the Vranov Dam is a renowned recreation area. The reservoir, traditionally called the "Moravian Adriatic", is one of the warmest reservoirs in the country.

Znojmo Dam
Built from 1962 to 1966, the Dam today serves to compensate for irregular runoff caused by the peak operation of the Vranov Hydroelectric Power Plant, to protect against floods and especially as a reservoir of drinking water for Znojmo and its surroundings. Before the fill-up of the Dam, partial deforestation of the banks and slopes was carried out, the objects of suburban recreation, the picturesque swimming pool, the historical pub “Pod Obří hlavou”, “Trauznický” Mill, 2 bridges and 22 recreational chalets were removed. The length of the flooded area is about 5 km, the largest depth of the lake is approximately 17 meters.

Engineering and Technical Barriers Near Čížov
The memorial represents the only surviving demonstration of a part of the former Iron Curtain in the then Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. It hermetically closed the state border with Austria and the Federal Republic of Germany. The line of this building has been moved inland several times. The last version was a 20 m wide line with a wire fence and a signal wall, an arable belt treated with a total herbicide and a service asphalt road. The complex of facilities also meant a great impact on the surrounding area and landscape, which is still visible today in the territory of the Podyjí National Park.